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CODE100 Challenge #BuntStattBraun

In this challenge you get an HTML document that renders a lot of colourful hearts.

pile of colourful hearts

And you get a JSON object with the information about all the brown colours that were used:

    {"name": "Brown", "rgb": "165, 42, 42", "hex": "A52A2A"},
    {"name": "BurlyWood", "rgb": "222, 184, 135", "hex": "DEB887"},
    {"name": "Chocolate", "rgb": "210, 105, 30", "hex": "D2691E"}
    //  and more 

The task is to find out which of the hearts are in a brown colour and report the overall number and which brown is used how many times.

For example:

    "distribution": {

If you want to solve this in the browser using JavaScript, we also set up a Codepen.

Let’s paint the world!


So, here is the result of the puzzle.


The first thing to check is the HTML and see what we need to get to compare to the brown dataset we got.

<i style=" … color:LightGoldenRodYellow; scale:0.37;"></i>
<i style=" …  color:Gray; scale:0.31;"></i>
<i style=" …  color:rgb(123, 104, 238); scale:1.17;"></i>
<i style=" …  color:#F8F8FF; scale:0.67;"></i>

The brown data we got has the colors slightly differently. It lacks the rgb() or the #:

    {"name": "Sienna", "rgb": "160, 82, 45", "hex": "A0522D" }

What we need is the color setting of the inline styles which could be a named colour, rgb or hexadecimal. We then need to loop through each of them and compare it to all the brown options. In Node, this could be:

// Read the htML and the JSON data
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
let html = readFileSync('../example.html', 'utf8');
let browndata = JSON.parse(readFileSync('../browndata.json', 'utf8'));

// get all the colours using a regular expression
// matching from `color:` to `;`.
let heartcolours = html.match(/color:(.*?);/gm).map(
    // remove all extra text we don't need
    heart => heart.replace(/color\:|;|rgb\(|\)|#/g,'')
let amount = 0;
let browns = {};
// loop through all the colours we matched
heartcolours.forEach(heart => {
    // loop through all the browns
    browndata.forEach(brown => {
        // and all the possible versions of the colour
        Object.keys(brown).forEach(key => {
            // when they match, increase the overall
            // amount and the named instances
            if (heart === brown[key]) {
                browns[brown.name] = (browns[brown.name] || 0) + 1;
let out = {amount: amount, distribution: browns};

An in-browser solution using the DOM could be:

// get all the colours from the DOM and remove the extra info
let heartcolours = [...document.querySelectorAll('i')].map(
    i => i.style.color.replace(/rgb\(|\)/g,'')
let amount = 0;
let browns = {};
// loop through all colours
heartcolours.forEach(heart => {
    // loop through all browns
    browndata.forEach(brown => {
        Object.keys(brown).forEach(key => {
            let col = brown[key];
            // as the DOM lowercases all named colours
            // we need to change the value of the 
            // named entries
            if (key === 'name') {
                col = col.toLowerCase();
            // when they match, increase the overall
            // amount and the named instances
            if (heart === col) {
                browns[brown.name] = (browns[brown.name] || 0) + 1;
let out = {amount: amount, distribution: browns};

You can also see this in the Codepen.

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